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I have opinions but most of them are bullcrap. Its been more than a year since I have started blogging but all the stuff I write still sound gibberish. I guess I will just keep writing and hopefully someday I will be able to come up with something witty :).

Monday, August 29, 2011

No Strings Attached.

There are plenty of times when I wish I had no strings attached, no people I was connected with and no worldly things that I was inclined towards. I wish I could go on living like a nomad wandering around places to places. Not worrying about who I leave behind or carry on with. Far away from all these people I know, all by myself; a journey where I choose my own path, create destination and tackle whatever fate that awaits me ahead.

No one to question no one to answer , what a relief it would be to live without expectations!
I always wonder how different my life can be if I ever get to break free from all these attachments and emotions? Is it possible to ignore the feelings that I have for these people in my life? Is it possible for us to live all by ourselves and not be attached with anyone? Would it make me antisocial? Lots of questions, confusions. But, I know I cannot be an antisocial person. Cause as much as I want to be free from any kind of attachment I do not dislike being around people and having good time. So, what is it that excites me to run away for a wild nomadic adventure? Well, I guess am just tired of all these emotional drama and the expectations.
Being sandwiched between expectations and fear of not being able to meet those expectations  along with people who constantly ignore the fact that I am giving everything I have to meet their expectations can really be the reason more than enough for me to loathe attachments .  And when I am constantly trying to meet the ends and still not being able to satisfy these people around me makes me wish a life without any attachments. Furthermore the most absurd thing to put up with is the ignorant people in our lives who even after knowing their actions to be wrong/unjustified and will result into really hurtful consequences will still go ahead and do that very thing (sometimes repeatedly) and then refuse to take responsibility leaving you to deal with it!
Sometimes I feel that these emotions and attachment were created in order to inflict misery in our lives. Even though it spreads love, it equally shares the power to hurt. Moreover even love leads us to pain, disappointments and emptiness.  It makes us weak and vile, leaving us with confusions.  Had there been no emotions there would have been no love and no hurt. We could live the life wandering around aimlessly. We can simply use our mind and body for living.
Living now can be defined in many ways. But for me living means to be able to break the boundaries, crossing the limits and having no regrets/guilt. However when you are attached or connected with people then it can be pretty hard to achieve. Simple as it is, when you are attached with people they won’t let you have your way or you cannot always have your way because with each attachment or connection you develop new responsibilities and demands. Now, there are people who ignore their responsibilities but when it comes down to principles, my 1st priority goes to humanity. Without having the sense of humanity one cannot really be called a human. The whole concept of being called a social animal lies on the fact that we are supposed to be sensible. Hence, tangled in-between the responsibilities and the emotions that arises with these attachments one will always find it difficult to achieve that epic freedom one so much desires to have. So, here I remain, wishing and wondering only if I had no strings attached.

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