The movie Acharya is a real life story of vajan siromani – Bhakta Raj Acharya. The movie tells us about the struggle of the singer and the songs in the movie are his original hits and his compositions. The elder son of Bhakta Raj Acharya, singer Satya Raj Acharya has turned himself into an actor to portray his father in the movie. I guess being his real life son and knowing his father very closely Satya Raj Acharya has beautifully blended with the role without overpowering the character with over acting. All the other actors have equally contributed and have saved the movie from the most common error of over acting that we can find in several Nepalese cinemas. The dialogues are also very simple yet very soothing and refreshing with the accents from eastern part of the country.
After really long time I was happy to see a Nepalese movie that really had meaning and quality. I could not resist writing about it because it really touched my heart! Now how many movies get applauded for? Yes, as the movie climaxed everyone in the theatre honored it with a standing ovation! Now that is something we all had been waiting for and it finally happened. I really think director Prashant Rasaili has done fabulous job with this movie and the whole crew of the movie equally put an effort to make this movie such a huge hit.
Cheers to the movie’s cast and crews :).
Cheers to the movie’s cast and crews :).
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