So I found this website called and started going through it. I really found this website funny and entertaining, specially because of its sarcastic remarks/jokes. I must admit I could picture myself as one of that angry little girl lol.
So, today I am posting this poem I found in this website. Ofcourse the reason is, the poem contains the exact feeling that I get most of the time and I found it very amusing to have my mood swings understood by someone out there and have a poem written for me, lol just kidding.But, really the poem does have similarities and also makes me realise how sometimes I get angry with world for no valid reason and start complaining exactly in the same way! The moral of this poem for me was that I need to gather myself up and be cheerful rather than being some angry/gloomy girl hiding away from world hating it (which FYI I don't do always but, yeah sometimes ;P), I hope those of you whos going to read this post, I hope you get your messages as well!
Always be happy you beautiful people :D.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

After really long time I was happy to see a Nepalese movie that really had meaning and quality. I could not resist writing about it because it really touched my heart! Now how many movies get applauded for? Yes, as the movie climaxed everyone in the theatre honored it with a standing ovation! Now that is something we all had been waiting for and it finally happened. I really think director Prashant Rasaili has done fabulous job with this movie and the whole crew of the movie equally put an effort to make this movie such a huge hit.
Cheers to the movie’s cast and crews :).
Cheers to the movie’s cast and crews :).
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Nepali Cinema and much needed classiness.
So its been couple of weeks since I have come across this really weird and cheap looking promotional banner of a Nepali movie in every possible movie theatres in Kathmandu which has made me loathe the Nepalese cinema even more and more. Obviously you would like to know what’s in that banner that has made me feel this way. Let me tell you, the banner basically has all these pictures of actors and actress, but one particular picture (which I assume the promoters think is going to attract people) is the picture of the lead roles kissing! Now, If you are think that I am blowing this out of proportion then let me tell you what I think is not appropriate about that whole advertisement theme. I think it is really cheap way of advertising and then the banner looks more like an advertisement of a porno movie rather than a genuine movie targeted for family audiences. If you see the banner yourself, you would totally agree that it looks very embarrassing. Every time I look at that banner I can’t even manage to read the name of that movie because all I can see is that kissing picture and I go like, “ Gross.”
Managed to find this clip of that promotional banner so you could witness it for youself people.
What happened to creativity and originality? So, many people
tell,”Nepali Bhayera Nepali flim ko barema faltu kura bhanne! Katti na kuirini
bhai khaki”. But tell me why exactly should I like Nepali movies when there is
nothing interesting in it to keep me entertained or at least interested? I
agree that I have no idea how much effort it takes to make a movie. But as an
audience all I care about is the movie that’s going to keep me entertained. But
every time I think about Nepalese movies all I can picture myself looking at are
bunch of people who can barely act and fashion that is way
outdated/absurd/vulgar and the quality of the cinematography, gee I better not
go into that. So, people whoever have decided to promote their movies with
those cheesy movie banners with such vulgar pictures need to understand that it
is definitely not going to help them attract any sane audiences except for few
And its not like there has been not a single decent Nepalese
movies that has been made so far. There were numbers of movies which were not
only entertaining but influencing/inspiring. Be it commercial movie/documentary
there were these excellent Nepalese movies which people still remember and love
to watch. There are actors and actresses who can really act.
Class, that is what we are lacking in our cinema and I wish
people understand this soon and not torture us anymore.
Sunday, September 4, 2011
Gemini/Cancer Cusp
Born on the 21st of June I was always confused when it came to Zodiac . But after going through the cusp details I no longer feel out of place and am completely happy to finally know what sign represents me! I know I am bit of a sign fanatic so here I am posting few details on my sign i.e Gemini/Cancer cusp. I hope this will help people who belongs to this cusp :).
Gemini/Cancer Cusp
Individuals born on the cusp of Gemini (the third Sign of the Zodiac) and Cancer (the fourth Sign of the Zodiac) are ruled by both Mercury and the Moon. These cuspians possess a large degree of brilliance and influence, and tend to control those around them. They dislike work which is perceived to be laborious and the inherent shrewdness here often enables Gemini/Cancer natives to attain the “world’s goods” without a great deal of physical or mental effort on their part. Anxious to gain public favor, these cuspians generally succeed by virtue of their great tact and versatility. Interested in heredity and ancestors, this is often reflected in a desire to care for relatives and propagate the family line.
The Gemini/Cancer cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Magic, corresponds symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of twenty-one. Romantic and inspirational, these natives often employ their talents and energies in the service of a higher purpose…family, religion, philosophy, arts and political or social causes, for example. These are individuals who can wholeheartedly throw themselves into devotional activities and often appear to be mild, even self-effacing characters. Many Gemini/Cancer subjects prefer anonymity in their careers, although there can also be more aggresive natives of this cusp who become assertive as they mature and have no problem in letting the world know who they are. Easily seduced, most of these cuspians have the ability to enchant those around them…both consciously and unconsciously. Such individuals do possess a rather sweetly innocent charm and need to be wary of being imposed upon. However, by virtue of the inherent defensive instinct associated with this cusp combination, even the most mild of these natives will be inclined to gently lay down emotional guidelines that should not be overstepped. The more aggresive of these cuspians are frequently well aware of their powers of persuasion and may employ such power without any qualms whatsoever in order to get their own way, even though others might be hurt in the process.
Blessed with charm and magnetism, Gemini/Cancer subjects can be remarkably cool characters possessed with a useful objectivity, and their reasoning abilities may well prove to be an effective foil to deep emotions. Falling within the influence of both Gemini and Cancer, these cuspians are, in fact, a rather interesting blend of logic and feeling. Thus, when an appeal is made to the emotions of others, it is done in a detached and thoughful manner. Not ones to be easily upset, Gemini/Cancer natives inspire confidence by way of sympathy, concern and a willingness to help. They possess the knack of entering the hearts of those they love and a reluctance to relinquish that position, even when separations are necessary. These cuspians tend to be rather private people who are far from eager to grant others access to their inner world. They often fare best when they are able to work from home and will frequently set up such a home as a type of retreat or sanctuary. If the Gemini/Cancer native does allow another to share his or her living space, then such implies immense trust and a great deal of respect for the other person. An invitation to visit this highly personal world is more often the giving of a true gift or the reflection of a desire to share, rather than a sign of ostentation or need for sociability. Indeed, there is a danger here for these cuspians to isolate themselves from the society around them and retreat into an unproductive dreamworld. Such detachment will stunt the personal and spiritual development of these natives which could, later in life, be perceived by them as a sign of failure. Thus, remaining in touch with reality is important for Gemini/Cancer subjects and they need to find friends and partners who are more extroverted by nature in order to provide an essential link to the world. There is also a tendency for these cuspians to be passively selfish and others may view this as a demand for constant attention…a belief that the Gemini/Cancer cuspian thinks the world revolves around him or her. In short, the special needs and wants of these natives can impose heavy demands upon friends and intimates who may, at the same time, find themselves denying their own emotional and physical requirements…particularly if they are sensitive souls.
From an early age, these subjects are inclined to be reckless and wayward, prone to neglect all other matters in favor of amusement and pleasure. Thus, it is important that the children of this cusp combination be guided by a vigilant eye and a firm but loving hand. The inherent persuasive power of Gemini/Cancer natives becomes particularly evident in matters involving money. The males of this cusp have no difficulty in obtaining control over the purse strings of their women friends, while the females of this cusp, with their ingratiating manners and wheedling tones, find it all too easy to secure liberal “loans” without having to provide any form of security. Losses or gains are of little importance to these cuspians. If temporary failure is encountered in one direction, it appears to be regarded as nothing more than a “stepping stone” which will help these subjects to regain their feet…and there always seems to be an endless supply of backers waiting to provide aid. There will always be close family ties with siblings here and these natives often remain quite youthful and light-hearted throughout their entire life. This cusp combination is also likely to produce more ambidextrous people than any other in the Zodiac.
Due to the influence of Mercury (Gemini’s planetary ruler), there is a strong desire in this cusp combination to take up new projects and switch occupations. This aspect greatly influences the inherently restless nature of Cancer, which has its own personal conflicts and contrasts. With the Moon in the ascendant, these natives need stability which, in an odd fashion, is provided by the “flashback” to Gemini. Those born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer become extremely active during the daytime and all other customary working hours. Thus, such individuals are able to overcome the traditional nightly restlessness customarily associated with Cancer natives. This cusp combination has a strong sense of conservatism which restrains those it governs from adopting an unwise or questionable enterprise…a typical fault attributed to the influence of Mercury. Gemini/Cancer cuspians simply refuse to take a gamble or engage in undue risks beyond a well-defined point. Thus, these subjects tend to create their own brand of traditions…conforming to an innate love of the old while accepting and enjoying the new. Basically, this is a very intuitive cusp combination accompanied by a broad-minded outlook and capacity for abstract reasoning. Emotion plays a key part in the lives of Gemini/Cancer cuspians, but it is checked and balanced with logic. The awareness and intellectual approach to life displayed by such individuals is often refreshing and the emotional honesty can be quite admirable. Gemini/Cancer subjects are suited to any of the occupations traditionally associated with the Sign of Cancer (often with a greater chance of success), as well as many other occupations courtesy of the high activity provided by the Gemini background. These are quick-witted individuals who are extremely intrigued with things around them and discover so much happiness in their own activities that they are able to shake off the retrospective moods which are such a handicap to the true Cancer subject. Once these cuspians have attained an aim, they move on to something else…feeling that the more they do in the future, the more satisfied they will be when it becomes the past.
With regard to relationships, Gemini/Cancer cuspians can make for caring, flirtatious and playful individuals with the ability to understand the difficulties any loved one will need to work through. However, marital vows are frequently not taken very seriously, particularly if such vows interfere with personal pursuits. Indeed, in certain circumstances, these can be rather untruthful and unscrupulous individuals. Nevertheless, the females of this cusp combination are extremely attached to their offspring and, in the event of a divorce, will abandon all else and make any sacrifice necessary to enable them to retain custody of their children. With an immense fondness for conversation and food, Gemini/Cancer cuspians find dinner dates with friends to be highly enjoyable. These natives are inherently inquisitive and literary-oriented, which means they embrace mental challenges with equal enthusiasm as they do physical ones. By virtue of a willingness to constantly try something new, they often make for excellent cooks. Their many interests result in an entertaining and stimulating conversationalist who truly loves people. They often enjoy team sports because of the family feeling a team frequently provides. Physical exercise and artistic endeavors…either written or on canvas…will allow Gemini/Cancer subjects to channel their swirling emotions into productive output.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the Gemini/Cancer cuspian is the blending of intellectual and conversational skills. In addition, with an inherently affectionate nature, this cusp is counted among the most caring characters of the Zodiac.
The most important lesson to be learned by Gemini/Cancer natives is that they need to curb any tendency toward excitability and overindulgence in diversions…particularly during those times when the Moon is on the wane. It is also necessary for them to constantly keep an eye on the desired goal and resist the urge to drift. The inherent tendency to repress feelings should also be avoided. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp…particularly those who fall within the Aquarius/Pisces and Scorpio/Sagittarius combinations.
Gemini/Cancer Cusp

The Gemini/Cancer cusp combination, also known as the Cusp of Magic, corresponds symbolically to the period of human life at around the age of twenty-one. Romantic and inspirational, these natives often employ their talents and energies in the service of a higher purpose…family, religion, philosophy, arts and political or social causes, for example. These are individuals who can wholeheartedly throw themselves into devotional activities and often appear to be mild, even self-effacing characters. Many Gemini/Cancer subjects prefer anonymity in their careers, although there can also be more aggresive natives of this cusp who become assertive as they mature and have no problem in letting the world know who they are. Easily seduced, most of these cuspians have the ability to enchant those around them…both consciously and unconsciously. Such individuals do possess a rather sweetly innocent charm and need to be wary of being imposed upon. However, by virtue of the inherent defensive instinct associated with this cusp combination, even the most mild of these natives will be inclined to gently lay down emotional guidelines that should not be overstepped. The more aggresive of these cuspians are frequently well aware of their powers of persuasion and may employ such power without any qualms whatsoever in order to get their own way, even though others might be hurt in the process.
Blessed with charm and magnetism, Gemini/Cancer subjects can be remarkably cool characters possessed with a useful objectivity, and their reasoning abilities may well prove to be an effective foil to deep emotions. Falling within the influence of both Gemini and Cancer, these cuspians are, in fact, a rather interesting blend of logic and feeling. Thus, when an appeal is made to the emotions of others, it is done in a detached and thoughful manner. Not ones to be easily upset, Gemini/Cancer natives inspire confidence by way of sympathy, concern and a willingness to help. They possess the knack of entering the hearts of those they love and a reluctance to relinquish that position, even when separations are necessary. These cuspians tend to be rather private people who are far from eager to grant others access to their inner world. They often fare best when they are able to work from home and will frequently set up such a home as a type of retreat or sanctuary. If the Gemini/Cancer native does allow another to share his or her living space, then such implies immense trust and a great deal of respect for the other person. An invitation to visit this highly personal world is more often the giving of a true gift or the reflection of a desire to share, rather than a sign of ostentation or need for sociability. Indeed, there is a danger here for these cuspians to isolate themselves from the society around them and retreat into an unproductive dreamworld. Such detachment will stunt the personal and spiritual development of these natives which could, later in life, be perceived by them as a sign of failure. Thus, remaining in touch with reality is important for Gemini/Cancer subjects and they need to find friends and partners who are more extroverted by nature in order to provide an essential link to the world. There is also a tendency for these cuspians to be passively selfish and others may view this as a demand for constant attention…a belief that the Gemini/Cancer cuspian thinks the world revolves around him or her. In short, the special needs and wants of these natives can impose heavy demands upon friends and intimates who may, at the same time, find themselves denying their own emotional and physical requirements…particularly if they are sensitive souls.
From an early age, these subjects are inclined to be reckless and wayward, prone to neglect all other matters in favor of amusement and pleasure. Thus, it is important that the children of this cusp combination be guided by a vigilant eye and a firm but loving hand. The inherent persuasive power of Gemini/Cancer natives becomes particularly evident in matters involving money. The males of this cusp have no difficulty in obtaining control over the purse strings of their women friends, while the females of this cusp, with their ingratiating manners and wheedling tones, find it all too easy to secure liberal “loans” without having to provide any form of security. Losses or gains are of little importance to these cuspians. If temporary failure is encountered in one direction, it appears to be regarded as nothing more than a “stepping stone” which will help these subjects to regain their feet…and there always seems to be an endless supply of backers waiting to provide aid. There will always be close family ties with siblings here and these natives often remain quite youthful and light-hearted throughout their entire life. This cusp combination is also likely to produce more ambidextrous people than any other in the Zodiac.
Due to the influence of Mercury (Gemini’s planetary ruler), there is a strong desire in this cusp combination to take up new projects and switch occupations. This aspect greatly influences the inherently restless nature of Cancer, which has its own personal conflicts and contrasts. With the Moon in the ascendant, these natives need stability which, in an odd fashion, is provided by the “flashback” to Gemini. Those born on the cusp of Gemini and Cancer become extremely active during the daytime and all other customary working hours. Thus, such individuals are able to overcome the traditional nightly restlessness customarily associated with Cancer natives. This cusp combination has a strong sense of conservatism which restrains those it governs from adopting an unwise or questionable enterprise…a typical fault attributed to the influence of Mercury. Gemini/Cancer cuspians simply refuse to take a gamble or engage in undue risks beyond a well-defined point. Thus, these subjects tend to create their own brand of traditions…conforming to an innate love of the old while accepting and enjoying the new. Basically, this is a very intuitive cusp combination accompanied by a broad-minded outlook and capacity for abstract reasoning. Emotion plays a key part in the lives of Gemini/Cancer cuspians, but it is checked and balanced with logic. The awareness and intellectual approach to life displayed by such individuals is often refreshing and the emotional honesty can be quite admirable. Gemini/Cancer subjects are suited to any of the occupations traditionally associated with the Sign of Cancer (often with a greater chance of success), as well as many other occupations courtesy of the high activity provided by the Gemini background. These are quick-witted individuals who are extremely intrigued with things around them and discover so much happiness in their own activities that they are able to shake off the retrospective moods which are such a handicap to the true Cancer subject. Once these cuspians have attained an aim, they move on to something else…feeling that the more they do in the future, the more satisfied they will be when it becomes the past.
With regard to relationships, Gemini/Cancer cuspians can make for caring, flirtatious and playful individuals with the ability to understand the difficulties any loved one will need to work through. However, marital vows are frequently not taken very seriously, particularly if such vows interfere with personal pursuits. Indeed, in certain circumstances, these can be rather untruthful and unscrupulous individuals. Nevertheless, the females of this cusp combination are extremely attached to their offspring and, in the event of a divorce, will abandon all else and make any sacrifice necessary to enable them to retain custody of their children. With an immense fondness for conversation and food, Gemini/Cancer cuspians find dinner dates with friends to be highly enjoyable. These natives are inherently inquisitive and literary-oriented, which means they embrace mental challenges with equal enthusiasm as they do physical ones. By virtue of a willingness to constantly try something new, they often make for excellent cooks. Their many interests result in an entertaining and stimulating conversationalist who truly loves people. They often enjoy team sports because of the family feeling a team frequently provides. Physical exercise and artistic endeavors…either written or on canvas…will allow Gemini/Cancer subjects to channel their swirling emotions into productive output.
Perhaps the greatest strength of the Gemini/Cancer cuspian is the blending of intellectual and conversational skills. In addition, with an inherently affectionate nature, this cusp is counted among the most caring characters of the Zodiac.
The most important lesson to be learned by Gemini/Cancer natives is that they need to curb any tendency toward excitability and overindulgence in diversions…particularly during those times when the Moon is on the wane. It is also necessary for them to constantly keep an eye on the desired goal and resist the urge to drift. The inherent tendency to repress feelings should also be avoided. As with all cusp individuals, these cuspians tend to be attracted to others born on the cusp…particularly those who fall within the Aquarius/Pisces and Scorpio/Sagittarius combinations.
Monday, August 29, 2011
No Strings Attached.

There are plenty of times when I wish I had no strings
attached, no people I was connected with and no worldly things that I was
inclined towards. I wish I could go on living like a nomad wandering around
places to places. Not worrying about who I leave behind or carry on with. Far away
from all these people I know, all by myself; a journey where I choose my own path,
create destination and tackle whatever fate that awaits me ahead.
No one to question no one to answer , what a relief it would
be to live without expectations!
I always wonder how different my life can be if I ever get
to break free from all these attachments and emotions? Is it possible to ignore
the feelings that I have for these people in my life? Is it possible for us to
live all by ourselves and not be attached with anyone? Would it make me
antisocial? Lots of questions, confusions. But, I know I cannot be an
antisocial person. Cause as much as I want to be free from any kind of
attachment I do not dislike being around people and having good time. So, what
is it that excites me to run away for a wild nomadic adventure? Well, I guess
am just tired of all these emotional drama and the expectations.
Being sandwiched between expectations and fear of not being
able to meet those expectations along
with people who constantly ignore the fact that I am giving everything I have
to meet their expectations can really be the reason more than enough for me to
loathe attachments . And when I am
constantly trying to meet the ends and still not being able to satisfy these
people around me makes me wish a life without any attachments. Furthermore the
most absurd thing to put up with is the ignorant people in our lives who even
after knowing their actions to be wrong/unjustified and will result into really
hurtful consequences will still go ahead and do that very thing (sometimes
repeatedly) and then refuse to take responsibility leaving you to deal with it!
Sometimes I feel that these emotions and attachment were
created in order to inflict misery in our lives. Even though it spreads love,
it equally shares the power to hurt. Moreover even love leads us to pain, disappointments
and emptiness. It makes us weak and
vile, leaving us with confusions. Had
there been no emotions there would have been no love and no hurt. We could live
the life wandering around aimlessly. We can simply use our mind and body for living.

Thursday, June 23, 2011
Point B
This is a very inspirational poem by Sarah Kay.One of my favourite.
If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom,
she’s gonna call me Point B,
because that way she knows that no matter what happens,
at least she can always find her way to me.
And I’m going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands,
so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say,
‘Oh, I know that like the back of my hand.’
And she’s going to learn that this life will hit you hard in the face,
wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach.
But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.
There is hurt here that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry.
So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn’t coming,
I’ll make sure she knows she doesn’t have to wear the cape all by herself.
Because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers,
your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal.
Believe me, I’ve tried.
And, baby, I’ll tell her, don’t keep your nose up in the air like that.
I know that trick; I’ve done it a million times.
You’re just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house,
so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him.
Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place, to see if you can change him.
But I know she will anyway,
so instead I’ll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby,
because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix.
Okay, there’s a few heartbreaks that chocolate can’t fix.
But that’s what the rain boots are for. Because rain will wash away everything, if you let it.
I want her to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat,
to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind,
because that’s the way my mom taught me.
That there’ll be days like this.
There’ll be days like this, my momma said.
When you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises;
when you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape;
when your boots will fill with rain, and you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment.
And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you.
Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.
You will put the wind in winsome, lose some.
You will put the star in starting over, and over.
And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute, be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life.
And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting, I am pretty damn naive.
But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar.
It can crumble so easily, but don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.
“Baby,” I’ll tell her, “remember, your momma is a warrior, and your papa is a warrior,
and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more.”
Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things.
And always apologize when you’ve done something wrong.
But don’t you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining.
Your voice is small, but don’t ever stop singing.
And when they finally hand you heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door and offer you handouts on street-corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother”
Watch her perform it and i bet you will feel something that you have never felt before :)
Sarah Kay Performing Point B
If I should have a daughter, instead of Mom,
she’s gonna call me Point B,
because that way she knows that no matter what happens,
at least she can always find her way to me.
And I’m going to paint solar systems on the backs of her hands,
so she has to learn the entire universe before she can say,
‘Oh, I know that like the back of my hand.’
And she’s going to learn that this life will hit you hard in the face,
wait for you to get back up just so it can kick you in the stomach.
But getting the wind knocked out of you is the only way to remind your lungs how much they like the taste of air.
There is hurt here that cannot be fixed by Band-Aids or poetry.
So the first time she realizes that Wonder Woman isn’t coming,
I’ll make sure she knows she doesn’t have to wear the cape all by herself.
Because no matter how wide you stretch your fingers,
your hands will always be too small to catch all the pain you want to heal.
Believe me, I’ve tried.
And, baby, I’ll tell her, don’t keep your nose up in the air like that.
I know that trick; I’ve done it a million times.
You’re just smelling for smoke so you can follow the trail back to a burning house,
so you can find the boy who lost everything in the fire to see if you can save him.
Or else find the boy who lit the fire in the first place, to see if you can change him.
But I know she will anyway,
so instead I’ll always keep an extra supply of chocolate and rain boots nearby,
because there is no heartbreak that chocolate can’t fix.
Okay, there’s a few heartbreaks that chocolate can’t fix.
But that’s what the rain boots are for. Because rain will wash away everything, if you let it.
I want her to look at the world through the underside of a glass-bottom boat,
to look through a microscope at the galaxies that exist on the pinpoint of a human mind,
because that’s the way my mom taught me.
That there’ll be days like this.
There’ll be days like this, my momma said.
When you open your hands to catch and wind up with only blisters and bruises;
when you step out of the phone booth and try to fly and the very people you want to save are the ones standing on your cape;
when your boots will fill with rain, and you’ll be up to your knees in disappointment.
And those are the very days you have all the more reason to say thank you.
Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline, no matter how many times it’s sent away.
You will put the wind in winsome, lose some.
You will put the star in starting over, and over.
And no matter how many land mines erupt in a minute, be sure your mind lands on the beauty of this funny place called life.
And yes, on a scale from one to over-trusting, I am pretty damn naive.
But I want her to know that this world is made out of sugar.
It can crumble so easily, but don’t be afraid to stick your tongue out and taste it.
“Baby,” I’ll tell her, “remember, your momma is a warrior, and your papa is a warrior,
and you are the girl with small hands and big eyes who never stops asking for more.”
Remember that good things come in threes and so do bad things.
And always apologize when you’ve done something wrong.
But don’t you ever apologize for the way your eyes refuse to stop shining.
Your voice is small, but don’t ever stop singing.
And when they finally hand you heartache, when they slip war and hatred under your door and offer you handouts on street-corners of cynicism and defeat, you tell them that they really ought to meet your mother”
Watch her perform it and i bet you will feel something that you have never felt before :)
Sarah Kay Performing Point B
Monday, May 2, 2011
So forth and so on
This poem contains some random thoughts. This poem doesnt necessarily define any woman, neither am I trying to define all the modern woman. This poem its just a fictional stuff. Completely random.
So, they call me a modern woman
A woman of 21st century
A woman who is not afraid to go out there and conquer the world
So they call me a modern woman
A woman not to be taken lightly
A woman pretty and witty
So forth and so on
I wake up in the morning
I rush to work
I have plenty of things to worry about
But got no time to enjoy what life has to offer
Its been months since I talked with my parents
Asked them how they are or went for a walking
I got no friends no more and I don't date no more
My mamma is so worried so she calls me like every other week
Suggests me to get myself a partner
have someone that I could count on in times of despair
Cause mamma simply doesn’t understand
That I need no man to keep me happy
And I simply don’t have the time to spare
But explaining this to her is way too exhausting
So these days I just let her calls pass on to the voicemail
Life is a funny thing and love is dubious
but like every other human I got caught in its grip
Yes my mamma she was happy, she was happy that I finally got married
But mamma I can barely find happiness within these boundaries
I know its been just a while but I already feel like fleeing
I am too used to flying, these bars are just driving me crazy
I have been in a turmoil lately
I want nothing but to be left alone
But like a broken record his voice keeps repeating
No matter how much I bury myself into work
I hear his dry voice accusing me of selfishness
I try to get past it but shiver goes down my body
Reminding me of the miscarriage I had last year
I wept for months and I know I won’t stop grieving for years
How stuck I am in reverse yet no one whom I could confide in and share
So I swallow my grief and stand against him
I tell him I decide how I want to treat my body
I ain’t no slave of yours so if you got problem let me be
I can’t let those men decide about how I should feel about me
So, they call me a modern woman
A woman of 21st century
A woman who is not afraid to go out there and conquer the world
So they call me a modern woman
A woman not to be taken lightly
A woman pretty and witty
So forth and so on
So, they call me a modern woman
A woman of 21st century
A woman who is not afraid to go out there and conquer the world
So they call me a modern woman
A woman not to be taken lightly
A woman pretty and witty
So forth and so on
I wake up in the morning
I rush to work
I have plenty of things to worry about
But got no time to enjoy what life has to offer
Its been months since I talked with my parents
Asked them how they are or went for a walking
I got no friends no more and I don't date no more
My mamma is so worried so she calls me like every other week
Suggests me to get myself a partner
have someone that I could count on in times of despair
Cause mamma simply doesn’t understand
That I need no man to keep me happy
And I simply don’t have the time to spare
But explaining this to her is way too exhausting
So these days I just let her calls pass on to the voicemail
Life is a funny thing and love is dubious
but like every other human I got caught in its grip
Yes my mamma she was happy, she was happy that I finally got married
But mamma I can barely find happiness within these boundaries
I know its been just a while but I already feel like fleeing
I am too used to flying, these bars are just driving me crazy
I have been in a turmoil lately
I want nothing but to be left alone
But like a broken record his voice keeps repeating
No matter how much I bury myself into work
I hear his dry voice accusing me of selfishness
I try to get past it but shiver goes down my body
Reminding me of the miscarriage I had last year
I wept for months and I know I won’t stop grieving for years
How stuck I am in reverse yet no one whom I could confide in and share
So I swallow my grief and stand against him
I tell him I decide how I want to treat my body
I ain’t no slave of yours so if you got problem let me be
I can’t let those men decide about how I should feel about me
So, they call me a modern woman
A woman of 21st century
A woman who is not afraid to go out there and conquer the world
So they call me a modern woman
A woman not to be taken lightly
A woman pretty and witty
So forth and so on
Friday, April 29, 2011
Nothing Ever Happens
I had been listening to the song, “Nothing Ever Happens”
sung by Rachel Platten and as I hummed along the lyrics, they make me realize how
hopelessly I am waiting for things to happen and that is where I exactly am going
I have been waiting on happiness for such a long time to come
knock on my door that I didn’t even realize things never happen on its own. If
we really want something to happen then we got to make it happen.
Most of the times we complain and whine, hoping someday everything
will get better. We sit there waiting for things to happen on their own
deluding on happily ever after. And despite the fact that we are too reluctant
to take chances we don’t quit claiming our rights on happiness. Furthermore we
don’t even want to fight for it yet we firmly believe in our victory. But the
bottom line is things don’t change on its own. If you crave for a change and
want things to be the way you want them to be then you need to buckle up, face
the hurdles, snatch it by the neck and slam it on the floor to get nearer to
the things you deserve.
Being afraid will only keep you from the things you always
wanted and deserved. Even a baby needs to cry out to its mother when it’s
hungry. Therefore always remember, when you get that courage to take the risk,
it will be the only time when you will start getting closer to your destination.
Because no matter what people say, the truth is every thing has a price tag on
it. Even though we believe we can’t buy happiness the truth is that to achieve
happiness we do have to pay a price. It may not necessarily be in the form of
money, but we do pay for it in various ways.
My point is although money can’t buy us happiness in kilos/liters,
money obviously can buy us things that will make us happy. However even though
money plays vital role in our life I am not trying to single out money as the
only way of gaining happiness. In my opinion we pay for happiness in various
ways. We pay for it with the energy we put in to achieve it, the time, the
emotion and most importantly we risk what we have in order to achieve it.
So, people don’t be afraid to stick out your tongue and
taste the fresh air. Go ahead take chances, make mistakes and learn. You can
take the chance or you can choose not to take the chance and end up growing old
filled with regrets, waiting to die alone(#Inception).
Therefore don’t be afraid to lose but be proud of what you
have been through and look forward to what you can possibly gain. Don’t ever wait for things to happen but make
things happen for you. Yes, of course there will be a price to pay and there
will be times when all you want to do is crumble down and say, “I quit”, you will
doubt your decisions and temptations will haunt you to make you give up, but
always remember that if you make through it, you will finally be at home.
So don’t hold yourself. Muster up every ounce of courage in
you and take that leap of faith.
Monday, April 18, 2011
There is no happily ever after
My hands are sore
And my feet are numb
My vision blur
I lose my train of thoughts
I have been sitting here for far too long
Fooling around
Playing optimist
Waiting on happiness to come and greet me
Come greet me and breathe upon my face
Cause I actually had started to think of happiness as a man
A man who would come riding upon the horse
Smile at me and say,'at last I am here my love"
Sway me off my feet and take me away to this distant place
Where bells would be ringing
And everything there would be bright and merry
but here is the thing
happiness aint no man
and it obviously doesn't ride a horse
i have been delusional
imagining stuffs that aint for real
so when i was almost ready to say happily ever after
the bitch "Reality" knocked my door
screaming out loud
Enough of drooling over
she dragged me down,
slapped me across my face with truth so bitter
i almost puked
i hate reality i want her to be gone
but she doesn't care and she doesn't even fear
so she keeps standing by my side
like a shadow, she never leaves me alone
i loathe her, i spite her
but it barely makes her twitch
i feel weak, i feel hung over
I feel like am done
I feel like saying
No I don’t wanna keep going on,
i give up
cuz there is no ending to this misery
and there is no man called happiness
who rides a horse.
There is no Prince Charming
and there is no happily ever after
And my feet are numb
My vision blur
I lose my train of thoughts
I have been sitting here for far too long
Fooling around
Playing optimist
Waiting on happiness to come and greet me
Come greet me and breathe upon my face
Cause I actually had started to think of happiness as a man
A man who would come riding upon the horse
Smile at me and say,'at last I am here my love"
Sway me off my feet and take me away to this distant place
Where bells would be ringing
And everything there would be bright and merry
but here is the thing
happiness aint no man
and it obviously doesn't ride a horse
i have been delusional
imagining stuffs that aint for real
so when i was almost ready to say happily ever after
the bitch "Reality" knocked my door
screaming out loud
Enough of drooling over
she dragged me down,
slapped me across my face with truth so bitter
i almost puked
i hate reality i want her to be gone
but she doesn't care and she doesn't even fear
so she keeps standing by my side
like a shadow, she never leaves me alone
i loathe her, i spite her
but it barely makes her twitch
i feel weak, i feel hung over
I feel like am done
I feel like saying
No I don’t wanna keep going on,
i give up
cuz there is no ending to this misery
and there is no man called happiness
who rides a horse.
There is no Prince Charming
and there is no happily ever after
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